

Overview. This guide covers how to work with the camera and how to access media stored on the phone. Using the Camera. The camera implementation depends on the level of customization required: External Storage Availability In Android Studio. To avoid crashing app it is required to check before whether storage SD card is available for read & write operations. getExternalStorageState() method is used to determine the state of the storage media i.e SD card is mounted, is it readable , it is writable etc.. all this kind of information. ここで解決策を見つけました here here このコードは、Samsung J7で完璧に機能し、Samsungのデフォルトアプリケーション My files を使用して、内部メモリからPicturesフォルダー(およびその他)を開き ます 。 'Android >> Internal Shared Storage >> Download.'. 이는 코드에서 사용할 수있는 파일 시스템 경로가 아닙니다. 실제 전체 경로를 입력하십시오. – greenapps 29 mar. 17 2017-03-29 21:21:31

When my app first starts, it lets the user select a profile picture. This can be done taking a photo at the moment, or selecting it from the gallery. After the user gets a picture, this must be saved in the device's internal storage and will be used in the app as user's profile picture.

SDやdata、downloadなど各種ディレクトリパスの取得方法 createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File directory)