So on a whim I remembered an arena shooter I used to play called Cellfactor: Psychokinetic Wars. I tried to find more information about it and its PC port, but I've found that the PC port basically doesn't exist anymore. It was CellFactor: Psychokinetic Wars is a fast-paced first person multiplayer shooter. Choose your side in the battle of technology vs. humanity. Manipulate your environment and kill your enemies with your choice of gunfire and/or telekinetic superpowers. Cellfactor Psychokinetic Wars Free Download Pc, Free Download Road Redemption Ps4, Download Choo Choos Map Minecraft, Ipa File Download Shareit Smart Assistant You can finally change your 'OK, Google' sensitivity settings. Vi älskar Cellfactor. Cell Factor Game Menu First-person shooters Nya spel First-person shooters First-person shooters Det finns många roliga och många dåliga firstperson shooters. Cellfactor är ett av de bättre spelen. Det finns 2010/11/29
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超能力で戦う対戦FPS『CellFactor: Psychokinetic Wars』XBLAとPSN用に発表. Aegiaの物理エンジンPhysXの性能をデモンストレーションするために開発され、今は無料で配信されているPC用のマルチプレイFPS CellFactor: Revolution。
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