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Print Friendly and PDF.Times Music, Album Detail: Ram Raksha Kavach Devotional Deities Festival Ram Ram Navami Sanskrit Harsha Bhave.Ramraksha Stotra, रमरकष सततर.Ramraksha Stotra in Marathi text.Asya Ramarakshastotramanyasya.Oct 23, 2002. Ram Raksha Stotra is a Sanskrit stotra, used as a prayer for protection to Lord Rama, it was written by a saint Budha Kaushika during the Vedic period. Literal meaning of Ram Raksha means 'Protection given by Lord Rama (to us)'. One who sincerely recites it and understands its meaning, he receives faith that Lord Rama protects his mind and … 2018/11/19 2019/07/28 2017/02/12 2018/10/19 2014/12/31

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Ramraksha Stotram - PDF File All Pages updated 08102014.Ram Raksha Stotra is a Sanskrit stotra, used as a prayer for protection to Lord Rama, it was written by a saint Budha Kaushika during the Vedic period.

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