

Double-click the Istation icon on your computer's desktop to begin. Parent: You can view your student's results and obtain access to reports and other resources by accessing the Istation parent portal. Istation’s Android app provides subscribing educators and registered students with access to engaging digital instruction and educational resources, including Istation Reading, 2015/11/04 2017/10/14 Free with every Istation subscription, the app extends lessons to devices, allowing students to engage with hundreds of interactive, research-based activities. Istation Reading Overview Istation Reading is a popular school app that was made to help teachers to evaluate the progress of their students, and for students to learn better while playing in colorful games. 2017/10/30 Download the Student Istation icon to your desktop 1. Go to 2. Click on Support 3. Click on Download Istation 4. Select for Windows or Mac 5. …

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